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Golden Eagles Toddler Shop

As lifelong fans of Marquette University, we treasure the memories and friends made during our time on campus. For many alumni and fans, attending Marquette has been a family tradition, and the Marquette Spirit Shop wants to help bring up and dress a new generation of Golden Eagles. We’re proud to offer a wide selection of Marquette toddler apparel for the littlest Golden Eagle fans. Our Marquette toddler shop includes T-shirts, sweatpants, warm hoodies and team jerseys perfect for your future Golden Eagle.

Golden Eagles toddler apparel and T-shirts range in size from T2 to T5/T6. Be sure to browse our expanding category of Golden Eagles toddler clothing. We also have infant and youth pages if you are shopping for clothing an MU toddler can grow into. Our selection of officially licensed Golden Eagles toddler clothing and T-shirts can’t be beat!